Takes a Point and calculates the circle polygon given a radius in degrees, radians, miles, or kilometers; and steps for precision.
Feature<Point> center pointradius
number radius of the circlesteps
number number of stepsunits
[String] miles, kilometers, degrees, or radians (optional, default kilometers
var center = {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"marker-color": "#0f0"
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-75.343, 39.984]
var radius = 5;
var steps = 10;
var units = 'kilometers';
var circle = turf.circle(center, radius, steps, units);
var result = {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [center, circle]
Returns Feature<Polygon> circle polygon
This module is part of the Turfjs project, an open source
module collection dedicated to geographic algorithms. It is maintained in the
Turfjs/turf repository, where you can create
PRs and issues.
Install this module individually:
$ npm install turf-circle
Or install the Turf module that includes it as a function:
$ npm install turf